accomodation on giglio island
Bed & Breakfast

Bed & Breakfast on Giglio Island

Best B&B For your holiday on Giglio Island, Tuscany​

On the Island of Giglio you will find Bed and Breakfasts in all three villages  Giglio Porto , Castello and Campese. Many B&Bs are open all year round. Alternatively, some hotels also offer overnight stays with breakfast only.


Staying in a more intimate environment than the large tourist facilities, the Bed and Breakfasts offer family hospitality in contact with the locals. Without fixed times for lunches and / or dinners, they allow greater flexibility in organizing the day and the freedom to eat every day in different places, discovering the local cuisine of the Giglio Island.

Find your accommodation on Giglio: useful information and advice on where to stay on the island of Giglio >>>

Mappa Satellitare dell'Isola del Giglio con Nomi Paesi e Spiagge


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Mappa Tragitto dei Traghetti per Giglio e Giannutri
Ferry connections of Giglio and Giannutri

Ferries to Giglio

The island of Giglio is very well connected to the mainland. Two ferries run several times a day all year round from Porto Santo Stefano to Giglio Porto, the only harbor on the island. The crossing takes one hour. Check the timetables, tariffs and offers and book online your ticket with just a few clicks:

Weather Forecast Giglio

Webcam Giglio

Giglio Porto

Campese Beach